Motor vehicle accidents encompass a broad category of incidents involving automobiles and various forms of transportation.
Car accidents are among the most common, often resulting from factors like distracted driving, speeding, following too closely, improper lane changes, or impaired motorists.
Truck accidents involve commercial trucks and can result from factors like driver fatigue, improper driving or lane change, or equipment failure.
Ride-share accidents involve vehicles like Uber or Lyft, where passengers, drivers, or pedestrians can be injured.
Pedestrian accidents involve pedestrians struck by motor vehicles, which can occur at crosswalks, intersections, or due to driver negligence.
Public/Private transportation accidents involve injuries caused from buses, trollies, trains, or any other form of public or private transportation.
In these cases, legal action seeks to determine liability and secure compensation for injuries or losses. Seek a FREE consultation now if you or a loved one has been involved in any such accidents.